Sunday, May 27, 2007

down by Oyster bay...

Hello from Oyster Bay- the most perfect place on Vancouver Island. As I write this I am looking out at the ocean, and sitting in a wooden cabin. The cabin is supposed to look like half a heart...i think it ressembles a barn...or a spaceship..

maybe an Oyster...? Either way it is perfectly cozy in here.
To get here we travelled to the island on the Ferry, rented a car and took a beautiful drive along the shore to Courtenay. We performed one show in Courtenay, and then the next day in Campbell River which is just 45 km down the highway. Both shows were fantastic- we loved meeting you all and have met so many amazing people in the past few days. Thanks for having us to your Island!

Yesterday we went to a wonderful place called Goose Spit ( don't let the name fool you we didn't find any goose spit)- here's a picture:
And Nick caught a Fish:

Taes found herself in a little bit of trouble:

Today we are spending our day off relaxing and exploring before we hop on the plane to Edmonton tomorrow and get set for 15 shows at the International Children's Festival in St. Albert, Alberta.
We are now off to do a hike on a trail called salmon's point. Looks like a great spot. The sun is out but the wind is blowing should be lots of fun. Did you know that the ocean temperature here is about the same in the summer as it is in the winter? It's just the air that is colder when you get out. ... maybe we will do a little ocean swimming if we get hot enough..!
This is Splash'N Boots signing off in Oyster Bay, Canada.

Taes and Nick
Splash'N Boots

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